Morning yoga

 yoga and healthy breakfast at your office

Elevate Your Body and Mind

Energy, motivation and harmony. Try zooming out with yoga digitally on Monday the 21 or 28 November, or 5 December 2022 at 17.30-18.30 by clicking the link down below:

Perhaps is the solution to your problem all of a sudden obvious. Or you find the energy to finish your routine task that have cost you more energy to postpone than to actually do?

Join in on Monday! If you have questions, please contact

Yoga on Mondays 2023 in Gröndal

Monday yoga 2023

Vinyasa yoga 17.30 – 18.45 

Hatha yoga 19.00 – 20.15

An energizing but yet calming yoga. In the Vinyasa yoga class we link breathing to fast paced movements of the body. You boost your energy levels, build stronger bones and muscles, increase your flexibility, improve posture and balance. By practising this class you will feel fit, relaxed and rejuvenated at the same time.
In Hatha yoga we increase balance, strenght, flexibility, range of motion with classical yoga positions combined with breath and meditation practice. A very fysical yoga class that will make you fell stonger, calmer and more energized by practising regularily. We stay slighly longer in positions compared to Vinyasa yoga.

23 January – 29 May 

At Hälsostudion in Gröndal, Maskinistgatan 1, 117 66 Stockholm

Private groups and companies

In your office or digital meeting

Take care of body and soul. Yoga improve posture and ability to focus. Increased flexibility and strength. Vinyasa, hatha, yinyoga and meditation. I come to you and bring yoga mats and healthy breakfast.

Or book a digital meeting. Please contact me at or text/call +46 (0) 721730014

When I calm down with yoga and listen to my body I open up to joy and creativity.

Eva ThunellYogainstruktör